The Bahamas Now

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Entertainment and Society

                      Entertainment has been apart of human society since Caveman days whether willingly or by force. There has always been an audio portion and visual portion to our forms of entertainment which can be traced back to Africa. While a song attacking Pedophiles is necessary to be popular, we must remember if the TV Gatta go the Radio has to go as well. Both are Poisoned because the evil in our society see its power. These performers in both professions have been abused from cave days by both sexes. Those that push music over TV forget the power of the music video in enhancing their songs enjoyment. Both extreme ideals are retarded as both Music, Storytelling, the News, the Stage, and Films are necessary. Some Movies inspire people to choose their career and become the Michael Jordan or GOAT of that profession. Sometimes it is Music that does this. Sometimes its either, a story or stage play as well. Writers must also remember they have fans that are blind some born or some by tragic circumstances and they need your entertainment to survive the hardships of the day. I want to implore more writers to create audiobook versions to help this cause. Marvel you have Daredevil who would champion their causes. Lets clean up the TV and Radio and save both.

Road safety

                       Many higher ups will say I am insane for suggesting this one, but it is my honest opinion for certain circumstances the Government must accept responsibility for damages to cars from potholes as we do pay taxes to make sure our roads are safe to travel on. I feel making the government to have to pay for the damages that occur will force them to keep our roads in pristine condition.

Society and Self Defence

               I Believe there are certain non lethal weapons qualified citizens should be allowed to carry in case of self defense. These non lethal weapons should be concealed and any careless or reckless acts should result in either penalties, suspension, or a revoked license. I also feel the security officers at banks and businesses need to be better armed as we are leaving them and those businesses customers at too much risk. When we look at the average response time and the actual size of our police force you should understand the need for the ability of our citizens to preserve life especially the lives of law abiding citizens. These criminals are getting weapons on the streets that can be used in warfare and have been showing less mercy as history progresses. With the law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves criminals will think twice and even when they still act in more instances or at a higher percentage will the victim either escape or win the situation. Why would anyone want their citizens to be this vulnerable unless they are working with these criminal organizations to bully and intimidate citizens while raising their own salaries because of their increase in “societal value”?

Beach Safety

I believe the Bahamas and all Beaches that humans use around the world should start to incorporate shark detectors at certain points along the beach or ensure lifeguards are given comfortable working stations and fair living wages to monitor and provide warnings to swimmers. Nvidia has developed an AI Shark detector,  

a Shark detection system developed by UTS is being used by their industry partner Westpac Little Ripper to identify sharks, raise alarms and provide greater protection for swimmers and surfers.

In 2016 there were 26 recorded shark attacks in Australia, including two fatalities, leading to them using the shark detection system built by Australian drone company Westpac Little Ripper to improve detection and identification of sharks.

There are many other options for Shark detection systems. This cannot be used without the increase in lifeguards who would also be able to prevent or report rapes on beaches or any other violent incidents. They would also be first responders to other medical incidents and help save lives.

increasing the number of lifeguards in the population will also help the workforce and economy with more jobs, while they help improve the moral of the other workforces who have swimmers or are affected by incidents with sharks.

If we add this shark detection system, we would not erase all shark incidents, but we would minimize them and provide our swimmers with a small piece of mind that we care for their safety in our society. That small piece of mind would increase their enjoyment in the water and their attitudes throughout the day and night. 

Pets and Society

                  With the advance in technology, we have the ability to track animals. I feel we should put trackers on all pets for several important reasons. Pets get lost or stolen and this may help locate them faster. Pets break into other yards and impregnate other pets and leave that family with medical expenses and increased demand for food and daily care. Pets get lose and attack people, sometimes it is fatal. Pets kill other Pets. Pets ruin farms and gardens costing citizens vital crops, or flowers. Pets kill livestock. The veterinarians can expand their staff and have certain monitors that pet owners can pay a yearly or monthly fee to help handle the additional cost burdens. 

Medicine and Society

                             I have an Idea that i think can save lives, as the ambulance staff sometimes is overwhelmed and sometimes there are incidents that occur that if the first responder where to take them to the hospital it would save their life, or if the injured person were already with family or friends, they would be able to use an emergency siren. The hospitals or pharmacies can be the providers of these special sirens. The use of the siren that can be attached to their car to indicate to the driving population that they are driving at that speed or need the way clear because they have a medical emergency. The hospitals possibly can have a set of staff that monitors the use and gives approval as some times moving the patient causes more harm than good.

Law and Society

                     The invention and implementation of the E-court system is a Heaven send for the whole world. I think it can be taken a step further and benefit society in several ways. The first way i feel it would benefit society is by decreasing traffic as citizens, lawyers, judges, witnesses and jury do not have to leave their homes or place of employment to travel to the courts. Secondly, With the Increase in the population and the resulting increase in the law system workers this would allow more of that workforce to work in a timely matter as space for these workers at the court houses becomes an issue. Another major benefit would be in keeping the most dangerous criminals, or those that have only been accused away from society while still addressing the matters relating to the law. With Criminals that have dangerous allies this protects the police force from having to place themselves in the direct line of fire and where they can better defend themselves as the court carries out the process. There are many more factors that will enhance the safety and functionality of our society once we implement them with in a logical and fair way.

Animal Rights

                          Before i went to University in Canada i was a horrible pet owner but in my mind i decided i was a good and capable pet owner when i traveled to Canada and saw how the majority cared for their pets i felt ashamed. Our veterinarians must make sure that future generations of Bahamian pet owners are better trained and educated on not just the nutritional needs and grooming needs but the other day to day requirements that comes along with being a pet owner. These animals when trained properly can lead the blind home and to certain places, isn't that a miracle of  united existence that we should preserve and ensure. The Police officers use dogs for many different important life saving jobs isn't that a miracle of united existence that we should preserve. With more responsible pet owners in the population wouldn't officers be able to produce smarter breeds in the future off of natural developmental evolution. Dogs defend homes and people. Dogs can literally go and get a news paper or other items with the proper training. For the elderly and people with disabilities these are vital abilities that we need to maintain and preserve. Birds can deliver messages, horses carry us on the daily. We must do a service to our planet and maker and preserve what was sent to help us. The owners that let their dogs get loose and impregnate other dogs owner should be fined with the medical expenses of those puppies for a required amount of time. the owners of pets should either be fined or forced to clean up after their Pets that are allowed to go in other people's garbage. The owners of Pets that get free and kill other dogs must face a penalty. Dogs need a certain amount of exercise and checks should be made to make sure that either the owner walks the dog the required amount of time per week or provides their dog with adequate yard space to exercise. If the owner cannot walk the dog themselves either due to disability or age then they should be forced to hire dog walkers.  Owners of a specific amount of cattle or other farm animals should be required to pay an environmental tax or community service to help us deal with the excess CO2 or other gases that these animals produce.

Environmental Suggestion 

                             The Government should charge us all taxes to support Our Environmental Scientist so that they can access each property sold and maintained in the Bahamas on a regular basis. these taxes would allow them to save and remove trees and bushes that may be vital to our ecosystem or environment. The better we take care of our planet the better the planet will be for future generations. the healthier the environment the healthier the citizens. Trees and plants are vital to help support our environment and ecosystem,and even as resources for medications, each home possibly may have certain key elements that should not be cut down and instead removed from the yard and placed in a safe location.


               In My opinion teaching businesses to be competitive is an oxymoronic lesson. Is each business owned by a fellow citizen in your society? they teach you to beat the competition like you are in a war with your fellow citizen. In the best societies people work together and only compete to better themselves not to erase the competition. If you erase that competition's business how will those families eat and survive and why would you want to destroy or take away their ability to contribute to your nation. Would you want them to not be able to feed their child or children? when we create an us versus them mentality we destroy others to succeed. Are you that greedy for success that you would make others starve to succeed? If you are religious would the Divine Creator want us to think and act in this way? If you are not religious, then can any peace-loving society survive with that mentality? A heavy factor in my opinion is that We have to stop being bitter when we don't get who we want to love and stop trying to punish people for choosing who they decide to love. Also we must stop punishing those that want to stay on their own. The competitive nature of trying to secure a spouse or mate must not contaminate us, and we must learn to live and let live.

                                      Bahamians have to get out of this lazy and sick mindset where they purchase from America or any other country and sell to us for 4 times the price as they attempt to become Billionaires. Bahamians, please create your own products and stop complaining about Amazon and other businesses that save people money and stop the predators who actually create nothing but want it all as they think they are savvy business minded people. Your businesses are failing because you simply try to hit the home run on every product you sell. Items that can be sold for a dollar even in the Bahamas by certain sensible businesses will be sold for $3. How about y’all create products that can be sold on Amazon or the international market, that y’all give your local neighbors and customers the better price on.

International Talks

                          China is extremely Generous and has provided us with a Stadium something no other nation has done while being closer to us and more financially connected to us. the new hospital is a blessing but only if it is placed in Freeport or another out island. putting another hospital on Nassau while the out islands suffer would be a retarded mistake that keeps the Bahamas in an idiotic stance of one island over every other island or reinforce that only one set of islanders are worthy of decent medical care.