Welcome to Heroes Bridge Studios where we will introduce you to Our Extraordinary Multiverse
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United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 27.
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life
of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific
advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the
protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any
scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the
Warriors of Unity (WOU)
Green Eyes- Erin Braveheart Greene - Enhanced Vision and Rainbow Eye Beams (Each colour has different effects but her most Powerful attack is A Green Quantum beam), Super Strength and flight- Erin is a rock solid LesGeneralis and has been fighting in the front lines of the Bahamas. In LGBT Society the carribbean is one of the worse places for LGBT and Erin Made them back down without powers so Karima came to her in a dream and blessed her with powers. She then flew around the world and selected LGBT Heroes to form the Rainbow Allaince.
Zonuwe- A Gay Jamaican blessed by Hermatta with Super strength and speed, wall climbing ability and sonic abilities.
Equa- An African Lesbian who is a bald headed woman with a tattoed tear that ends in a multi colored peace . Multiple abilities and a Rainbow colored flag that is on her Armour
Legaw (Lesbian Mega Warrior)- a Lesbian White American with a large Hamor and Blue and White Costume and a Blue and White tear drop tattoo that ends in a peace sign on the opposite eye of Equa
Havul-A Gay Haitian that Has special Magical weapons and Armour with the Pheonix Crest
Imaco- Immassa Battaglia – a Lesbian midget with that has Quantum cells that can utilize multiple quantum abilities
Myway- A bi crossdressing Quantum hero that has Environmental Adaptation, Extrasensory Perception, and Rainbow Manipulation.
Season 1:
1) The African Prefrocide
2) Worship or Die
3) The World's Cruelest
4) The Awakening of the Slaves
5) Zoombees Every where
6) A Restoration of Royalty
7) The New Beacons of Colorful Light
8) Our Bodies Our Choice
9) The Quantum Divide
10) Last night at lighthouse Cay
11) Going to War for Love
12) Majority of Ignorance- Loveequal's Shipments are denied, several of the companies that supported them around the world were sabotaged and the helpers replaced. Supplies and products are cut off and the Lovequalians are down but Green Eyes starts to get creative all over Lovequal picking up spirits and inspiring others to be creative the Lovequalians develop their own system and learn to survive with no out side help when the Lovequalians start to thrive a Missle is sent that destroys a medical facility. The Warriors of Unity exact retribution.
Season 2
1) Border Order
2) Colorful Refugees- the Giddy Love Gang move to Lovequal
3) Peacific Defence Part 1- The Poly Chromes call for help in their Island base in the Pacific And Lovequal sends its Airforce and Navy.
4) Peacific Defence Part 2-
5) Stolen Loves- The Warriors of Unity, Lovequal Army, and the Peacific Army send out scouts to locate all the Stolen Lovequalians when the War was going on in the Pacific.
6) Our Sworn Oath- The Rainbow Allaince Go to War to recover the stolen Lovequalians
7) Bride and Bride - Green Eyes Marries Dreda and Lovequal celebrates.
8) The Lynavan Prefrocide Part 1
9) The Lynavan Prefrocide Part 2
10) The Lynavan Prefrocide Part 3 Green Eyes frees the last concentration camp and sends the team to take everyone home as she exacts punishments on Lynavan War Criminals
11) PTSD part 1
12) PTSD part 2
Season 3
1) Poisonous Trust- Green Eyes is Poisoned as she drinks with … but the poison does not take effect and … calls for the … for advice.
2) Blessings from the Charney
3) A Change of Heart- once … recieves the Charney blessing they pretend to simply have a change of heart and leaves Lovequal.... ,,,, goes crazy when he realizes he was just used for power and the Lovequalians have to keep stopping him from killing himself.
4) Paranaya's Arrival- the … send in Paranaya to distrupt lovequal and everyone gets paranoid and even Green Eyes and Dreda become paranoid with each other until Green Eyes starts investigating without acting she first observes the Lovequalians before spotting and taking down Paranaya. Green Eyes holds a town meeting for all of Lovequal.
5) The 5 Venums part 1- The.. Send in the 5 Venums and their gang to further poison Green Eyes,
6) The 5 Venums part 2- the Quantum Villian Gang Separates the Team and Each has to face many powerful foes while Green Eyes takes on the 5 Venums by her self.
7) The 5 Venums part 3- The Team members face drastic odds but are able to over come the gangs (they finish as they watch Green Eyes get bite before running to her aid) In an Epic Battle Green Eyes beats the 5 Venums in a tough fight but they all go kamikaze and poison her but die as she responds to each bite or sting. Green Eyes shakes it off and the Team help clean up Lovequal.
8) Not Today – The Warriors of Unity celebrate another Marriage as Imaco is marrying her soulmate. Villianous Wedding Crashes try to stop the Marriage for both sides for various reasons and Imaco goes berserk. Imaco is talked into continuing the wedding after she stops crying for the attemps.
9) LGBT Month – The Team celebrate several times over the course of a month and the Lovequal Defence Army stop any attacks or infiltration from ruining the celebrations. After the month is over the Defence army is rewarded.
10) Siphoning Power- The.. send in the Syphons who travel through Lovequal stealing power and tried to Escape from Lovequal as the Warriors of Unity stop them and return the stolen powers.
11) The Poison Army- The Poison Army try to poison all of Lovequal but Green Eyes detects it in the water company and attacked by a Squadron who keep throwing poison gas Green Eyes takes them Down and the Warriors of Unity take Down the poison Army.
12) Till Death Do us Part- the Poison in Green Eyes finally takes effect after the several Berserker Missions she went on and Dreda goes all out to find the cure and punish the attackers. When Dreda is Surounded Green Eyes awakens from the Coma and Teleports to her side and freaks as she destroys them all. She Sends a Warning to the Cops that try to Arrest her and they back down.
Giddy Love Gang
Glad- The Leader of Triplets from a special Magical empire in Europe, Glad is a straight ally and where Pink Armour and have magical abilities with a Green Peace sign at different locations on Each one.
Gladder- The wild wise cracking Mage is Bi sexual and always giddy.
Gladdest- The no nonsense sister is a Lesbian and her spells punish as they teach you how you stole or could have stolen the Gladdest moment.
Beructos- Female Bahamian Nurse with a low haircut and is a Lesbian Nurse with Arawak Ocean Magic. Her costume has mainly Aqua with yellow patterns
Fonesari- A Bahamian woman that is Bi and is unsure of who she truly loves has Telepathy and has learnt Arawak Magical Abilities
Metallis- A Gay Black Cayman Hero who has the Quantum Ability to turn his skin into Different Metals and can also create shields and weapons.
The Poly Chroms
Ice Cap – A Bahamian that is almost Albino with Snow magical abilities Mainly White Armour with Aqua Peace Symbols....Lives in a Special Island in the Bahamas that snows once in a while...
Biuzo- A Gay Bahamian with Quantum Ability to manipulate the Sun energy can fly, run fast, is super strong and can create energy beams with his hands, his Blue Buster beam is his most power attack.
Apple – a gay man with a special ability to manipulate nature he is known for grow fruits for the animals and humans...., The Animals come to kidnap him....
JuJu- Lesbian black Bahamian woman with Arawak Earth magic abilities has a special Brown Native clothing with patterns.
BluSuav- a gay blue Owlian a magical Owl Being from a distant planet that crashed in Australia. Wll wear a dress when he feels like it!!!
Kaja -Mario Mieligahngy- a gay Indian Midget that can manipulate energy from within and in the environment.
Velocity- Ivan Scalfarotto – a bi European Midget with Physics manipulation abilities.
Complementary colors
Journa -Karolina Detuvanska- A Lesbian white Romanianian that has Special Armour of Red Yellow and Blue can teleport herslef and others.
Myti- a Bi Zulu midget with Quantum cells that amplify magic
Xi an- A Lesbian Chinese - That can manipulte the elements, water, wind, fire, and thunder.
Snow Gorrilla- Aneka Barmand, Lesbian Blonde- A Daughter of an ancestor of a white Ethiopian Freedom Fighter who died trying to defend Hailie Sellasie. Had no powers but is a mercenary that has helped win many fights to protect Africa and its Wild Life. As she was ambushed and shot many times Hermatta saved her and gave her healing ability the ability to camoflage, Nature communication and manipulation.
Nishati- a Swahilli Quantum Lesbian that can manipulate energy.
Rococo- Dark skin Indian man with Rock magical Abilities and long curly hair
Peadge- A gay mixed German Judge Dressed in All Black with a Red Peace Symbol on the Chest has a Magical Hammer
Peagun- Peace Shogun- a half Black half Japanese with ninja magic and abilities
Red sky- a gay half black half Russian Quantum human with a multi power gene can create psonic objects can fly, and telepathy.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superpower188(Thunder Image by yabadene belkacem189 from Pixabay190 )
(scifi Image by Computerizer191 from Pixabay192 )
(Alien weapon Image by sutulo193 from Pixabay194
(man Image by Jonny Lindner195 from Pixabay196 )
(Veteran Image by tammyatWTI197 from Pixabay198 )
(Russian (Army Image by zhuravlevzhuravleva199 from Pixabay200 ))
(Crown Image by skeeze201 from Pixabay202 )
(man Image by Pexels203 from Pixabay204 )
(war-Image by Okan Caliskan205 from Pixabay206 )
(time-travel Image by Austin Beast AB207 from Pixabay208 )
Image by Noupload209 from Pixabay210
by Military_Material211 from Pixabay212
Superhero Image by alan9187213 from Pixabay214
fire Image by Алина Осипова215 from Pixabay216
fantasy Image by Stefan Keller217 from Pixabay218